Several Navix employees and family members participated in Green Seattle Day, where we helped add more than 650 plants along the Burke Gilman Trail in Seattle. It was rewarding to be part of such [...]
Navix is pleased to announce two new staff members: Jerri Red joined the firm on May 21 as a Senior Civil Designer, and Jake Oliver, EIT, joined the firm on June 4 as a Civil Designer. Jerri is [...]
Navix took the opportunity to enjoy the sun and kickoff the spring by playing a few rounds of FootGolf at the Bellevue Golf Course. FootGolf, which follows the rules of regular golf but uses [...]
Navix Principal Brook Jacksha presented “The Challenges and Potential of Designing with and for Urban Stormwater” at the International Living Future Institute UnConference 2019. Brook presented [...]
Navix is excited to announce that Rafia Darwish, P.E., LEED AP, has joined the firm! Rafia received her BSCE from the University of Akron and has experience as a civil design engineer in both [...]
Navix welcomes Anna Tsai, EIT, as a new civil designer. Anna is originally from Washington D.C. and has a BSCE from the University of Washington. Additionally, Jessica Boespflug, who was with the [...]
It’s finally done! Navix unveiled a project gallery wall in our new office space, showcasing interesting projects from across our nine project types. Come by the office and see it in person!